Tuesday 27 August 2013

Week 5 ~ Readings in John's Gospel

Freedom through Jesus ~ the "I AM"
 Light of the World   Door of the Sheep   Good Shepherd!

Intro: This week's readings begin with Jesus' instruction to "abide" in His Word. From now on, Jesus' teaching is specially directed towards what it means to truly follow Him. The freedom He promises to give those who love and obey Him is the freedom to live His kind of life with the Father! Think of the miracles we have already read about – food for the hungry, the wine of joy in our human experience, healing for the sick, calming the storm – and now sight for the blind! This is the door that Jesus opens for us as we follow and obey Him!

Day 1:   John 8:31-47
              Jesus says that true disciples will 'abide' in His word.  'Abide' is also translated to 'live in', 'dwell', 'inhabit', 'have your home in', 'stick with', 'continue in'.  As we stick with Jesus and His word, then we will be set free by knowing God's truth – having heart knowledge about Who our Father is, what Jesus has done for us through His death and resurrection, and what God says about us, His children! Free to live as sons and daughters of the living God. How can we follow Abraham's example? See Galatians 3:6-9. Note how Jesus describes the devil in verse 44. As we choose to live by faith in Jesus and His word, trusting and relying on Him in every circumstance, He will be setting us free from the lies and entrapments of the devil and we can be assured we will hear His voice.

Day 2:    John 8:48-59
              Jesus, Who honours His Father and is continually faithful to Him, is accused of having a demon! In Genesis 1:26, God said "Let US make man in our own image!" Jesus was there with the Father and the Holy Spirit before the world began and certainly before Abraham was born. He Himself is the fulfilment of what God promised Abraham in Genesis 12:3, that all the families of the earth would be blessed through him. The Jews cannot grasp with their natural minds that Jesus, the "I AM", God Himself, is standing before them and they want to stone Him for blasphemy! Jesus slips away through the crowd – it is not His time yet. Let us honour and love and worship our Jesus, that He came and went through all this so that we might believe in Him, love Him, obey Him and live for ever!

Day 3:    John 9:1-12
              Jesus is making His escape from the fury of the unbelieving Jews, but stops for a blind man! Read through the story again and watch how Jesus' compassion shines through. The blind man has been blamed all these years for either his parents' or his own sin, rejected, living in a dark world, a street beggar. Then Jesus comes along! Look how the blind man obeys Jesus implicitly. And his eyesight is restored! The crowds are totally amazed and cannot believe it is the same man they knew! He answers their questions and finishes with:
                     "Then I went and I washed and now I can see!"
                     But he cannot tell them where Jesus is. When we tell others what Christ has done for us, it can be so simple. "This is what He did for me!" We do not have to know all the answers about God!
                     In verse 5, Jesus says "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."  Who is the light of the world now? Look up what Jesus says in Matthew 5:14. He has taken us out of darkness into His wonderful light, opened our blind eyes, so that we can shine for Him wherever we are!

Day 4:    John 9:13-34
              Incredibly, it was the Sabbath again! Jesus just loved to use God's holy day to show His Father's glory, and bring true rest, His wholeness and peace, to the sick and sad and broken. But the Pharisees are mad! The now-seeing man, who must be absolutely mesmerised by the colours and shapes and beauty around him, has to defend himself to them. His parents opt out. But their son declares, as he is questioned again, "One thing I know, that once I was blind, but now I can see!" The radiant young man begins to preach to them! "If this man were not from God, He could do nothing!"  Listen to their condemnation – "You were born entirely in sin!" They are stunned at his 'impudence', and throw him out.

Day 5:    John 9:35-41
              Jesus hears, Jesus comes, Jesus meets and speaks with the healed but rejected young man. When we are misunderstood, or scorned or rejected, Jesus will always come! When Jesus introduces Himself, the man believes and WORSHIPS! Today, think of what Jesus has done for you, and come and thank and worship Him! The once-blind man has a heart soft to receive, quick to obey, warm to worship.  Let's ask God for hearts to receive His love today, and for our spiritual eyes to be opened to see His truth and understand His will for us.

Day 6:    John 10:1-10
              "I AM the Door of the sheep!" In Jesus' time, a shepherd would lie across the door of his sheepfold at night, to protect His sheep. He would call them to come in and go out, and they would follow, knowing they were safe with the one whose voice they knew and trusted. We have such a wonderful confidence given us here by Jesus, that, as we stay close to Him, we will KNOW His voice and will discern false leadings and callings in our lives. Jesus will call us by name and we will recognise the grace-filled tender character of Jesus, even when He is taking us through a hard place! He knows your name – He knows you! All that the enemy has done in our lives to steal and kill and destroy – hopes, dreams, relationships, security, health, family - Jesus comes to give instead abundant life, restoring and healing, with overflowing forgiveness and blessing!
                     Take time today to read Psalm 23 as well. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you His precious promises for you personally.

Day 7:    John 10:11-18
              "I AM the GOOD Shepherd!" Here is Jesus, our Shepherd, Who has laid down His life for us. Read verse 12. Think of the opposite – the Good Shepherd will see the wolf and defend and protect His sheep! The Good Shepherd cares for His sheep and loves them, and gathers them into one flock. Jesus had authority even over His own life. He was in the world to die in our place. He would freely give His life when the time came, but the men trying to kill Him had no power till such time as He freely gave! He chose to die for you and me! Thank Him and read Psalm 23 again!

Summary: Continue in the Word – FREEDOM in Jesus Christ, Who is
          our Light Revelation of the Father and His love
               our Door - Opens the way into all the fullness of abundant life
                     our Shepherd - Leads, guides, cares, feeds, heals and protects
                                         What a Friend we have in Jesus!

Saturday 17 August 2013

Week 4 ~ Readings in John's Gospel

Jesus says: "Come to Me and Drink"
 Intro:  We will see clearly, through this next week, the three types of people Jesus meets and their different responses to Him. It is really helpful to realise that we may meet with these same responses and attitudes, as we share Jesus with others. Do not be deterred by opposition or indifference – Jesus assures us here that, as we drink from Him, believing Him, then rivers of living water will flow from us, as His Holy Spirit fills us to overflowing.
            And HE brings words of eternal LIFE to ALL!

Day 1:   John 6:60-71
              Jesus once again is challenging those who call themselves His followers (v30) to hear and understand His words by the Holy Spirit. His words are "spirit and they are life". Let's ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand – not dry doctrine, but living truth - and to open our hearts to believe Jesus. This is too difficult for many and they desert Jesus. How wonderful Peter's words are in verses 68,69, as Jesus asks the twelve, His special friends, whether they too want to leave Him. Can you speak this out loud as a declaration of your faith in Jesus? Maybe you could write your answer to this question, "Do you also want to leave Me?"– tell Jesus of your love for Him, your faith in Him.

Day 2:    John 7:1-24
              The Feast of Tabernacles is still an important Jewish festival today and many travel to Jerusalem to celebrate. Even though Jesus was pressured by His brothers to go public, He stayed in Galilee, and then later quietly went up to Jerusalem. He is waiting His Father's time. Never does Jesus try and hurry things up, or try to please men. When He does go up to the Feast, He can't remain in secret for long! And now the religious people are attacking His teaching, scorning Him as an uneducated man! Jesus responds saying that those who are willing to do God's will WILL recognise that His teaching is from God. And His challenge is to not judge by outward appearances or what we think we know about someone!

Day 3:    John 7:25-36
              Jesus declares about the Father:
                     "I KNOW HIM, because I am from Him and He sent Me!"
                     Jesus is completely sure of His relationship with His Father and His mission. This passage reveals all 3 types of responses to the amazing claims Jesus makes to be the Son of God. 1) Some plain don't understand, and again use their reason to say how could He be from God? They know where He grew up. 2) Others hate Him, think they know it all, and, wanting to kill Him, try unsuccessfully to arrest Him. Only in His Father's time, will they be allowed to lay a hand on the Son of God. 3) Many, in verse 31, take the risk of believing in Jesus. Take note of what Jesus says to the ones who refuse to accept His words in verse 34. Remember He has already said "Come and see" to his disciples. We will see in future readings how Jesus will always show the way to those who believe in Him. It is an indictment indeed to hear Him say "where I am, you cannot come"! Oh, let us be those who are always opening our hearts to Jesus, and He, in close intimacy with Father, will lead us into God's presence, and His love and will for our lives.

Day 4:    John 7: 37-39
              Only 3 verses to read today, but amazing and wonderful, life-giving words! Soak in these words for yourself. During the Feast of Tabernacles, the Jewish harvest thanksgiving, water was brought each day into the temple, representing God's water of life, and now Jesus stands up on the last most important day, and SHOUTS:
                                    "If ANYONE is THIRSTY, come to ME and drink …."
                     In John 4, at the well, He spoke of "living water". Now we have not only a wellspring, BUT RIVERS! This is His promise for us today - rivers of the Spirit, the nature and character of God Himself flowing through us. Are you anyone? Are you thirsty? Do you sometimes feel dry and dusty, or that your life is barren? Then come to Him and drink! Jesus will teach more about the Holy Spirit as we read on in John.

Day 5:    John 7:40-53 and 8:1-2
              People are arguing again. He couldn't be Christ, as He comes from Galilee. What they have not bothered to find out is that He was born in Bethlehem. You can read about that in Matthew ch2 and Luke ch2. Then we have Nicodemus again, perhaps not yet quite believing but ready to stand up for Jesus – at least using the Jewish law to give Jesus a break, and allow Him to speak for Himself. But they do not listen! Look how the Pharisees condemn the crowd outright in verse 49. How opposite their thinking is from the healing love of Jesus. Watch Him, patiently coming back in the early morning, to teach the people, and they are getting up early to hear His words. What an encouragement to us to get up early and meet with Jesus – He will be there waiting to speak with you and me personally!

Day 6:    John 8:3-11
                     "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more!" What an amazing story! This woman, caught in all her shame, is hauled before Jesus. I wonder what Jesus was doing as He wrote in the dirt?  Do you think He is waiting for His Father's wisdom? When He does speak, the men just have to slink away. Only one Man is left. Jesus! HE is the only righteous one without sin, the only one who could justly have thrown a stone! But no, He looks at this woman with eyes of love and mercy, and takes away her condemnation and guilt. He then tells her to sin no more. Jesus transforms our lives when He takes our guilt and shame – and He gives us the power to become the sons of God. Remember John 1:12? As well as setting us free, He gives us the power to live His life!

Day 7:    John 8:12-30
                     "I AM the Light of the World"!  What a wonderful promise! Here is Jesus, the "I AM", God Himself, the Light for everyone in the whole world! However, it is those who follow Him who will walk in this light, instead of the darkness - the light of LIFE – so totally, utterly the opposite from the darkness and evil of the world. Try learning verse 12 right now! Jesus is facing His opposers again. Can you imagine how hard it was for Him to see them continue in their unbelief when He, the Light of the world was standing there, knocking on the door of their hearts? He doesn't give up, and He knows His Father is with Him. Many come and believe as they suddenly see!
Even as Jesus contested the unbelief and scorn of the religious leaders, He was calling all to come to Him and drink, to come and experience His LIGHT and LIFE, and the living waters of His Holy Spirit!
Jesus knew He was never alone! His Father was with Him. This was His way through all the opposition – His security in Father's love.
                        "I'm not alone for my Father is with me, with me wherever I go,
                        Speaking words of love, of courage and of faith,  
                        He's with me, He loves me, wherever I go!"

Friday 9 August 2013

Week 3 ~ Readings in John's Gospel

Jesus said – "I AM the Bread of Life"

Intro: Last week we read of Jesus telling the woman at the well that "I AM He" - the Messiah, the longed for Saviour of the Jewish people. In the Old Testament God introduces Himself as
"I AM" (Exodus 3:13,14).  Now as we read on, we begin to see Jesus revealing Himself and the Father as the "I AM", the One Who is continually the same and always consistent in His love for us.  Jesus says He is the Bread of Life, the One Who is our food, our nourishment and our very life as we come to Him.  Note also through this week's readings how often Jesus mentions His Father, and how close their relationship is.
NB: Remember to use the Re-MAP guide to reading each day, and you will be learning more and more to hear God speak personally to you!

Day 1:   John 5:1-15
               This is the third miracle that John chooses to write about in detail. Each one is a "sign" or demonstration of His character and nature. Just look at the opposites in this story. On one side, the love and healing power of Jesus, and on the other, the petty arguments and condemning tradition of religiosity! Here Jesus walks into a hopeless situation with a question, "Do you want to be well?" Jesus cuts to the core of our heart desires when He comes on the scene. And, no matter how long we have been held down or trapped by sickness, depression, debt, addiction, fear or any other bondage – the question is the same "Do you want to be well?" The man jumped in with excuses – but "Jesus knew" his whole situation and gave him the power to rise up and step out of 38 years of being a crippled invalid. Consider what this might mean for you.

Day 2:    John 5:16-30
              "The Father loves the Son" This passage contains some things we may not understand, but here is the central truth. Everything that Jesus does is because He is secure in His Father's love and does nothing without His Father. And the Father wants us to know that same love. Jesus calls us in verse 24 to hear His Word and believe in the One Who sent Him and we will have that eternal life, knowing this love of the Father, free from condemnation and judgement.  If everything that Jesus does is what the Father is doing, think about what Jesus' ministry shows us about God our Father? And, if it is Jesus' joy and desire to do the Father's will, should that also be our desire and prayer?
Day 3:    John 5:31-47
              Jesus is not willing to compromise an inch with the unbelief around Him. Here He tells of 4 witnesses to His being truly God – find them in  verses 33, 36, 37 and 39. All these speak of Jesus power, authority and that He has been sent by the Father. The challenges He throws at the religious Jews challenge us today. Eternal life does not come by being a Bible scholar, but by coming to Jesus Himself. Look at the negatives which Jesus brings, and work out the positives He requires of us!
                     "You are not willing to come to Me"
                     "You do not have the love of God in you"
                     "You do not receive Me"
                     "You receive honour from one another, not seeking God's honour."

Day 4:    John 6:1-14
              Jesus returns to Galilee and the quietness of the mountainside with His disciples. He may have wanted "time out" but the great crowds follow Him. They have seen His wonderful miracles and flock to Jesus. Now there is a problem – they are out in the wilds and the crowds are hungry. Jesus asks a question, again knowing the answer! One amazing thing to notice in this story, the fourth "sign", is that Jesus takes note of what they have, rather than what they lack. The disciples point out the shortage and impossibility – "Even 200 sliced loaves would not feed this mob!" It was Andrew who brought the lad with his picnic to Jesus. Think about what Jesus did with this little lunchbox! He doesn't think or speak lack. He thanks His Father for the provision they have and abundance results. What does this story show of God's heart towards us?
Day 5:    John 6:15-21
              The people wanted to make Jesus into a celebrity – not much different from people today! But Jesus does not need honour from men and has a different mission – it was not about being an earthly king! He went off quietly up the mountain by Himself, no doubt to have time with His Father, while His disciples got into a boat to cross the Lake. The storm ensues. Imagine how amazed and scared these men were when they saw this 'apparition' walking over the waves towards them! It was dark too. So He must have been shining with the glory of God on Him! "It is I" Here is God, the "I AM" coming into the midst of the storm and saying "Don't be afraid!" Can you believe in a Jesus for Whom nothing is impossible? Forces of nature have to bow to His authority! He walks over the storms of our lives, comes into our struggles, and WILL bring us safely to the other side!

Day 6:    John 6:22-40
              The crowd are really puzzled as to how Jesus got across the Lake! Jesus is always full of surprises and is not constricted by the normal of our daily lives. The people are still seeking amazing signs. How does Jesus answer their question about what we must DO to do the works of God? Obeying God is about 'believing' and entrusting our lives to Jesus, not about 'doing'! He is the Bread of Life! Jesus points them to the eternal life promised by the Father. Again and again, Jesus stresses the importance of coming to HIM, believing and receiving HIS life. No more hunger, no more thirst when we believe in Jesus. AND the Father will never reject us. What a message. Once His child, always His child! Think about that! Notice again how Jesus only does the will of His Father. Also He tells clearly and plainly in verse 40 what the will of the Father is! Write this out, and pray it for your friends and family!

Day 7:    John 6:41-59
              The religious people are grumbling and arguing again! They just cannot believe that Jesus has been sent from Heaven. Look again at v45 and ask God to help you be one who hears and learns from Him. Again Jesus says "I AM the Bread of Life". He reminds these religious Jews of the heavenly bread(manna) that God provided in the desert when their ancestors had escaped from Egypt. This still only fed their bodies and they died – but we will not die if we eat and drink the life of Jesus Himself!  Earth-bound minds cannot understand the spiritual truth that Jesus is bringing here. They think only in terms of eating natural food. Jesus is speaking spiritually.  He wants our lives to be completely dependent on and nourished by His life in us.

Summary: Eating the Bread of Life! What does it mean? Look at the three miracles in these readings and think about what God is showing you of His love, provision, protection and life for you through Jesus.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Week 2 ~ Readings in John's Gospel

"Who is Jesus?" "He is the Saviour of the world!" 
(Jn 4:42)

Intro: This week we will watch as Jesus steps into action. He begins to display His Father's glory – chap 2:11.  We may have an idea of "glory" being something mystical and a sort of heavenly blaze of light – well, the reality of Jesus' life on earth repeatedly shows us the 'glory' as being God's character of love and compassion towards His people – demonstrated in signs and miracles. The miracles are not only to reveal His power and authority, but always to bring healing love, joy and peace to a hurting world. Let's read on and see how this Jesus can touch our lives today.
NB: Please remember the notes below are only pointers, and, as you read and think about each passage, God will speak to you privately and personally. You may see things that no-one else has seen. That is why it will be great to share together about these life-changing truths.

Day 1:   John 2:1-12
                      The Wedding!  John begins his story of Jesus' work on earth at an ordinary family occasion! It is a glad and happy Jewish celebration with dancing and music!  I think, that when Jesus said to his mother, "What has this to do with me?" He was speaking as a guest and it was not his responsibility that the wine ran out! John consistently shows us Jesus, the man, while always ending up showing He is GOD! Think about this story and Mary's words to the servants. Look at Jesus' subsequent actions of taking charge and doing His first public miracle. Water into wine! What does this show us about God? Is there any indication here that those who believe in Jesus should live dull, boring, colourless lives? What could happen if we bring Him the water-pots of the routine, dreariness, disappointment and sadness in our lives?

Day 2:    John 2:13-25
              It is Passover and Jesus goes to the Temple in Jerusalem. Passover was the remembrance of the deliverance of the Jewish nation from Egypt, with the blood of a lamb on the doorposts of every home. Jesus has already been declared the "Lamb of God" by John the Baptist. Instead of prayer and thanksgiving, He finds the temple full of business dealings and money-making scams! Sheep and doves being sold for profit – men making their fortune from religious customs! Why do you think He was so angry? Consider what He says to the Pharisees in verse 19. Jesus is prophesying His resurrection, and later on His disciples remember this and believe.

Day 3:    John 3:1-21
              Nicodemus, an important religious figure comes to Jesus by night secretly.  He is worried by what other leaders will think if they know he is fraternising with Jesus! Jesus receives Him, as He will receive ALL who come with sincere questions.  Consider what Jesus meant by saying that a man needs to be 'born again'? Look at it in the light of verse 16 – "For God so loved the world …." Jesus, God's only Son, came that we may not perish but have eternal life. The important thing to register is how much God loves each one of us. Put your name into verse 16 where it says 'world' and 'whoever'.  NO condemnation! Jesus comes to save us and NOT condemn us.  What is the only qualification for receiving this eternal life? v16 and 18. Why do you think men love darkness?

 Day 4:    John 3:22-36
              Both Jesus and John the Baptist are now baptising. Some try to provoke John to jealousy or resentment that someone else has the same ministry and the crowds are now going to him. But John knows Who this 'someone else' is! What is his response? Check out what John says about Jesus being sent from God. Highlight in your Bible, or write down what John says here about God the Father, and His relationship with Jesus, the Son, and also about the Spirit. There will be development and explanation of this as we read on! This is the start of the revelation of Father's love – and the way in for us is shown in verse 36.

Day 5:    John 4:1-26
              Come and drink! John shows Jesus' humanity again – Jesus was tired and thirsty, sitting by the well with no means of drawing water for Himself. Along comes the woman. The fact that she was out at midday suggests she was an outcast in her own village. As well as that she was a Samaritan – who the Judean Jews looked down on and despised! Jesus had time for her, and knew her pain and heartache. Read this amazing story for yourself. Take time to consider Jesus' words about the Father wanting true worshippers. Our Father desires and longs for our love and heart devotion! The woman starts to explain to Jesus that the Messiah is coming! Can you imagine her amazement when Jesus answers "I AM HE".

Day 6:    John 4:27-42
              Jesus declares His purpose – to do His Father's will. This is His food and life! Do you know the joy of sharing Jesus with a friend or contact? For Jesus, this was ultimate fulfilment to do His Father's will and see the harvest of people coming to know the Father's love. How many believed because of that one woman's testimony. They asked Him to stay there with them, and so He stayed 2 more days. This whole story demonstrates how Jesus always has time – He is not in a hurry! The challenge here for us is to simply share with others what Jesus has done for us –  and when they meet HIM and hear Him for themselves, then they too believe that Jesus is the "Saviour of the world"!

Day 7:    John 4:43-54
              Jesus returns to Galilee – his home territory. It is useful if you are not familiar with Bible geography, to have a look at a map! Well, here we have a "royal official" asking Jesus to heal his son. This man was desperate, and was willing to travel and seek out Jesus. What was the result? How many believed after this boy was made well? Can you believe for your whole household?

Summary: Through these 3 chapters we are getting glimpses of God as our 
            A Father Who longs for the world to come and know HIM.
                     A Father Who sent His beloved son to this world that we might
                                                believe in Him and LIVE!
                      A Father Who longs for worshippers – those who are heart to heart in love
                                                 with the One who first loved them!
            The other word repeated over and over is "believe". As we entrust our lives to Jesus, as we believe in Him and trust His Word, we will know what it means to be set free to LIVE close to  Him and our Father, to know Him as Saviour and Healer.                                                     
                                                Let's continue this journey!